Business Intelligence Services
“Our platforms allow us to build a functional prototype in hours, with customers getting real benefits within days.” (Theo, IT WLR Information Systems Engineer)
Most successful businesses have rigorous systems for capturing, storing and securing their data. But as businesses grow, and as data
sources proliferate across networks and servers, managers at all levels can find it increasingly difficult to gather the information
snap-shot that they need to make key decisions quickly.
As one business writer put it: many modern businesses are drowning in data, and yet thirsty for information! All too often, critical
data is stored in multiple locations and presented in significantly different ways. This makes it difficult to aggregate, and can make
that vital information snap-shot almost impossible to create.
IT WLR consultants are trained to deliver a proven solution to such problems. Our solutions are the world’s fastest growing
management information and business intelligence platform. It is simpler, faster and more flexible than previous generations of such
applications and is priced to make sense for smaller and medium sized businesses.