Privacy Policy

At IT WLR ('IT'), we are committed to protecting the privacy
of everyone who visits one of our web sites or becomes a client
to our services. The FAQs below explain our privacy policy and
applies to all web sites operated by IT or services suuplied to
our clients unless otherwise stated. This policy does NOT apply
to our clients' web sites.
Even where allowed by this policy, IT will not use your personal
data in such a way as to breach the Greek Data Protection Act or
any other relevant International legislation. This policy may
change from time to time, without notice. Please check this web
site for the latest version.

1. What information does IT collect from me when I visit an
IT website?
IT collects very little information about visitors to our web
sites. However, every time you view an IT Web page, we may store
web server logs which show your IP address (the Internet number
which your machine uses when it is connected to the Internet) or
the IP address of the web proxy you use. In addition we may
store other information your Web browser passes to us including
what you looked at, what you previously looked at, whether the
page request was successful or not, and which browser you used
to view the pages.
2. What does IT do with web log information?
This data is used strictly for statistical purposes only. This
helps us to understand which areas of the site are of particular
interest and also whether your request to view a page was
successful. It also tells us how many hits and page requests we
3. How long does IT keep this information?
We process the logs into statistical form on a daily basis. The
original logs are destroyed after two months. We may correlate
your accesses on different dates within this two-month period to
gain further information such as which pages people visit
regularly. This is only used in statistical form.
4. Are there any other ways that you may track which Web
pages I look at?
From time to time we may make use of 'tracking tags', which
appear as small images on a web page. When you look at a web
page containing one of these tags, our web log is updated to
show this. These log entries are handled in the manner described
above, just like all other entries. We use these to track the
take-up of specific promotions available from the web site.
5. Does IT share its web access log with anyone else?
We will not share any of the information collected from your
accesses to our site with anyone outside IT. However, it is
possible that we may supply aggregate statistical information to
third parties for statistical analysis purposes. Also, from time
to time we contract out work relating to tracking of trends and
which web pages are visited regularly to third parties. In all
cases when this happens we will only use a reputable company and
will have a contract in place with them that only allows the
processing of your access data for our statistical analysis.
This contract will also require that all this data be deleted
when the analysis is completed. Except as provided for in the
preceding paragraph, we will never release information about the
activities of an individually identifiable person or IP address
except in response to a court order or if we are required to do
so by law.
6. What about cookies?
A cookie is a small amount of data, which is sent to your
browser by the web server, stored on your computer, and then
sent back when you subsequently look at pages on that server.
They are usually used to help remember who you are and what
interests you. Generally IT uses cookies (or similar mechanisms)
to track your use of the site and to maintain a record of your
visit to enhance the experience of using the site. It is also
possible that third parties we use to monitor usage of our
websites may make use of cookies to collect more information
about the visit, such as the date and time, which pages users
visited etc. This information gathered helps us to continually
develop our websites to ensure that you can easily access the
information you need.
7. What if I click on a banner link?
All banners on our website relate to "IT" products or services.
We do not provide any banners that link to third party sites.
8. What happens if I enter a competition or apply for a
special offer?
From time to time IT or one of our associates may run
competitions or special offers from an IT web site. Entry into
the competitions and application for the special offers usually
requires you to enter personal data such as your name, address,
email address and telephone numbers. We may also ask you for
some general information about your Internet activity for
statistical research. At all times there will be a notice that
forms part of the entry rules which states what the information
is collected for, what it will be used for and who (if anyone)
the information is passed to. You will always be offered an
option to opt out of your data being used for anything other
than entry in the competition or special offer, although this
will normally require you to tick a box.
9. How secure is any personal data that I submit?
All data collected from the site - such as web site access logs,
competition entry information, or special offer information - is
stored in a secure environment which is protected from
unauthorised access, improper use, alteration and unlawful or
accidental loss or destruction.
10. How long is any personal data kept?
If we do ask you for any personal data (name, address, telephone
numbers, email addresses, etc.) for competition or offer
purposes then we will only store this data for up to 12 months
after the end of the competition or offer, after which it will
be destroyed.
11. What if I sign up for a service online?
We will ask for the minimum amount of data that is required for
us to set up the service and, where applicable, to bill you for
the service you use. We may also ask you other questions for our
own purposes. If we do, it will be clearly stated that you need
not answer these questions and that failing to answer will not
affect the service. All this data will be collected securely
using a secure server. As part of the sign-up process, any
credit or debit card details will be passed to an automated
credit checking service.
12. What if I use a web-based service?
None of your account information, including passwords, is stored
when you use our web-based service such as webmail or the
password changing service. As with visits to our other pages, we
will store web logs for these pages.
13. How do you record whether I have given consent for you to
use my data?
We maintain databases of the information you submit. If you have
opted not to consent to any additional use of your data, then
this will be flagged in these databases and we will not contact
you for any reason other than those stated in questions 11 and
12 at the time you submit your information.
14. How can I correct any information that I have submitted?
Write to us at the following address if you require us to alter
any information that you have submitted as part of a competition
entry or special offer:
Database Manager IT Wholesale and Retail Services 2 Chloes
Street Marousi, 151 26 Greece
If you are a IT client and wish to change any of your personal
or company details then please
Click Here or call us.
15. Who can I contact about this privacy policy?
Any questions about this privacy policy should be submitted by
Clicking Here.
16. Who can I contact about your Data Protection policy in
Any questions about our Data Protection policy should be
submitted by
Clicking Here.