Infrastructure Support and Maintenance
We offer a combination of pre-emptive monitoring, reactive monitoring and rapid problem resolution, via a range of support applications
incorporated within the IT WLR platform.
“Our proprietary server monitoring application allows us to predict and prevent many network problems before they impact on individual
users” (Theo, IT WLR Information Systems Engineer)
In terms of proactive monitoring: our proprietary server monitoring application allows us to predict and prevent many network problems
before they impact on individual users. For reactive monitoring we use a market-leading monitoring tool, which alerts us the moment any
core infrastructure element becomes unavailable.
Rapid problem resolution is enhanced by our proprietary and award-winning remote diagnostic tool which can identify the source of a
specific problem exceptionally rapidly and accurately. Together these tools ensure that we can move from diagnosis to resolution as
quickly as possible.
IT WLR has the experience and the expertise to deal with problems as they arise, whether in the core server architecture, or elsewhere
within the client network including firewalls, switches and hubs.
Outside of the network, IT WLR supports and manages connectivity, security and remote access needs and issues. Our infrastructure
support and maintenance service does precisely what it says on the tin: minimising infrastructure downtime, and increasing productivity
within your business.