Complementary Support Service
In this scenario, some clients come to us for specific services such as network management or user support. Whilst others see us as an additional
flexible resource, working in partnership with the manager responsible for IT services, and supplementing the in-house IT support team.
Complementary Support Service clients can, in effect, pick and choose from a menu of our services, enhancing their in-house team with IT WLR
expertise, as they see fit. The full list of our IT services can be explored via the menu on the left.
In addition, for some clients we advise on Business Intelligence Services. Here, our advice helps management teams to make more of the data
they hold, to facilitate better-informed decision making. We also offer advice and implementation of telephony technologies, integrating them
with existing data networks, to deliver fully integrated and CRM-focused solutions.
The key point for Complementary Service clients is that they decide which services they need – and when.