Security Services
IT security has never been as important as it is today. With hacking tools now widely available, businesses need to
take every precaution to protect themselves from external as well as internal threats.
IT WLR is an IT partner that you can trust to deal with such crucial concerns on your behalf. Our team of security
consultants has over ten years’ experience of defining and implementing IT security policies, it more than familiar
with the types of security issues faced by small and medium-sized businesses.
Specifying security solutions and policies requires expert input. As systems become increasingly interconnected, there
are more potential threats to IT networks and critical business data. The irony is that as we provide better access for
employees (to work remotely; for example), we also create the need for more sophisticated security solutions, systems and policies.
In parallel, it is getting easier for employees to copy and remove sensitive data - online or via simple USB drives
and similar, highly portable media. Our in-depth experience ensures that we understand the evolving nature of such threats,
and - more importantly - that we understand how best to protect clients from new threats as they arise.